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> > > Erasmus + E&I

Erasmus + E&I


KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships for adult education 2016-2018

Project Title
E&I Employment and Inclusion 

Sharing good educational practices and systematising a training competences programme for employment and inclusion for vulnerable adult people 


UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO - Spain (coordinator organisation)
CEPA - Centro de Educación de Personas Adultas de Gijón - Spain
CPIA - Centro Provinciale per l'istruzione degli Adulti di Padova - Italy

Description of the Project
This project tries to give a solution to the shares European problem of unemployment and the social exclusion, affecting particularly adults and vulnerable groups.
The objectives are accepted and well-known among our partnership, real, plausible, necessary and quantifiable, as well as a constant reference when it comes to each decision made:
1-To find any teaching need concerning transversal competences for employability in adults at risk of exclusion
2-To exchange of experiences in educational planning and teaching vulnerable adults
3-To sketch a training plan for the development and the improvement of the competences that are found in shortfall
4-To implement courses and activities within the framework of that plan in our centres and other institutions
5-To assess and exchange the outcome
6-To systematise and expand our plan to the region’s educational services

-To alleviate school failure and adult absenteeism
-To strengthen a European space that may fuel living together 
-To provide training for transversal competences to find a job, such as foreign languages, ICTs, self-learning and entrepreneurship

Our aims are conceived accordingly to the European policies about the three key questions that affect the Union: demography and migrations, economy and employment, and sustainable technologic development. The European Commission (2010) talks about “an intelligent, sustainable and socially integrating growth” -Strategy 2020-. Our partner institutions, such as the UAb, address the principles of the strategic framework: “lifelong” Education and Training 2020 (European Council 2009) and the guidelines about permanent learning, promotion of adult learning, the use of ICTs and expanding mobility among teaching trainers.

An INTERNATIONAL approach is necessary in order to find solutions to problems that are shared by all European countries: high unemployment levels link to the need for doing away with all kinds of exclusion (Brussels 17.9.2015 COM. 2015 - 462 final) and stand out to be priorities in education. Current and future people’s mobility rates make it essential to find transnational connections. 
This project emerges from the educationally-linked experiences by each of our partners. In sharing everyday practices from an INTERNATIONAL approach the applicable training plan is strengthened and can be systematically implemented.

The addressees of our plan find themselves in a similar population segment. The EU asserts that 34.8% of people with a qualification of less than the Secondary level are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Thus, firstly, our partners are based in areas suffering from population ageing. The two Spanish ones are located in areas with more than 20% unemployed people and two of the lower rates of active population in the country, which generates not few social insertion problems. In this region 23.4% of the population (248,451 people) is at risk of exclusion and social exclusion (Spanish State of Poverty & Exclusion 2014 APN). The region has a negative demographic progression, resulting in the ageing of population, together with an increase in immigration rates. The Asturian Department of Education expands Adult Education to more than 9,000 potential students of this project, the CEPA being the one that exerts the greatest influence over 3,000 people. In the UOv 2,000 foreseeable teachers are studying and qualifying themselves, and the PUMUO programme for the elderly enrolls more than 400 students older than 50.

In Portugal, poverty and exclusion have been widely spread for years, sharpened by the crisis and the cuts in the social Budget. 24.5% of the European population was at risk of poverty and exclusion, and Portugal this rate reached 27.5% (INE 2014). UAb- Life-long learning works directly with 2,000 teachers who will multiply their action as trainers of new teachers for disadvantaged people, according to its rationale.

28.3% of Italian people are estimated to be at risk of poverty of in a situation of social exclusion (Istat). The CPIA faces this problem acting over more than 5,000 students.

In France, there are more than 10% of unemployed people, and elderly people are the more exposed. Most of them did not graduate from school or university and, the lower qualified they are the more touched they are by unemployment. The French government leads politics in order to help unemployed people and also vulnerable people in general thanks to professional trainings.

Unemployment backlashes harshly the most vulnerable (Red Cross Social Vulnerability section), i.e. our target people: elderly people, women in social difficulty, poverty and social exclusion, the differently-abled, dropouts, refugees and immigrants, whose situation is  dangerous as 35% of immigrants in Europe at severe risk of poverty and marginality (2014).These problems have an INTERNATIONAL origin and the best way to proceed is by sharing solution strategies between areas having the same problem.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 31/10/2019
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